Saturday, March 8, 2025

No Music This Time

     Who doesn’t love music. I mean there’s so many options to choose from, how could you not find something you like. I could listen to music 24/7. But maybe not in the film opening. 

    Grace had finished editing the main parts of the project and…. I wasn’t a fan. You can probably guess what I didn’t like. Well, it was the music. Grace put, I think, violin music/ sounds and I just didn’t think it fit right in this scenario. From my perspective, it sounded more like a film trailer, rather than a film opening. I wasn’t going to let it go, so I told Grace. She didn’t mind removing it, but Max did. He really liked the music in the background. 

    Of course there were other things I commented on, like the sound effects and the black screen at the end, but my group seemed to agree. But back to the sound, we didn’t know what to do. Keep the music, or get rid of it. This is mainly it for the music disagreement, but I think we will talk more about it. But I’m not done. 

    For this project, I am in charge of lighting. Like mentioned previously, I have no clue on how to do this. I found this video on YouTube that talks a little bit about some lighting techniques.

There isn’t much of it so it will keep looking.

    Okay, I found two videos but I realized that they were from the same creator so I will link his page so that I could keep going back to him.

    His account is names “Adobe Made Simple, so IT BETTER BE SIMPLE. I can’t wait to start editing so hopefully Max and Grace finish in time. 

    I know this blog post is short so I will copy Grace and add a quote from a movie. Now, I told her that she should put this quote but she didn’t want to, so I will be putting it into mine.

“Just because my dreams are different than yours, doesn’t mean they’re unimportant.”  - Meg March, Little Woman (2019)

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Group Meeting #2

      Today, we just had another group meeting. In the beginning, no one really talked but a small conversation started to form. Throughout ...