Sunday, March 9, 2025

CCR Question #1 Research

     Where did the time go... It's already March and we're talking about the final inclusions for the project. We have to create two creative critical reflections that reflect the project we made. I already know the first question I am going to answer. 

How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?

    I already knew that I wanted to create either a horror or a drama film before I even researched about them in my blog post. But the story my group and I came up with... isn't any of those genre, it's SCI-FI.

    I now get why it falls under this genre. It's a time loop. 

Out of 60 science fiction conventions, time loop is the 19th. I think this could be something I could mention in my CCR.
    For the second part of the question, my group and I already know that the social issue is mental health. This was our first idea and I'm glad that we stuck to it.

    The second part of the question asks how our chosen genre represent social issues. To answer this, the time loop builds on the characters mental health. Alice didn't want to be in therapy in the first place, but she ends up coming back involuntarily. It is only getting worse for her. After each time loop, she is filled with more rage but also confusion and sadness. She is stuck in one of the places she truly hates. 

    When filming my CCR, I will definitely go more in depth with this question and its subtopics (I think that's what it is called...) I know I already have a filming idea for the CCR but it is a reference to something that many will probably not understand😞. But anyway, I hope I fit these CCR's into my very non busy schedule, but the due date is hunting me down and it will catch up.


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