Today, we just had another group meeting. In the beginning, no one really talked but a small conversation started to form. Throughout this group meeting we really didn't talk about much even though we should have. There were six of us at firs but one went home not even 5 minutes in. I didn't really talk about my project as I'm assuming my group are all friends. The girl who sat next to me had asked me a few questions and I answered. She didn't really seem interested though. I will try to describe everyone's project but it will be hard since I was sitting all the way at the end of the group and everyone was almost whispering. (P.S. I don't know anyone's name...)
First person
This first person, the one who sat next to me, is doing a coming of age. It's about a girl who just came home from a graduation dinner and at home, everyone surprised her. She starts to get sad and goes to the bathroom. Her friend then sends her a collage of their high school memories. The main character calls her friend and says "Let's do this one more time."
I think this idea is fun and cute but I didn't tell her that. I was shy. As she was explaining the story, I thought it would be longer than two minutes. I still do. She isn't finished filming so there is no final results, but I'm thinking the film opening may be a little rushed.
Second person
I truly apologize. I could not hear a single word she said. To be fair, when everyone was explaining their project, it didn't seem as if they were explaining it to me, just the others closer to them.
All I know about this project is that there is this guy walking and he sees a "help wanted" sign. He goes to the place the flyer had said and the place is haunted. That is all I know... I do think this story is interesting and I can't wait to see it when I view everyone's project.
OH MY GOSH! So, I'm actually typing this blog post in class, AS we are in the group meeting (we finished) and I just asked this girl in my group about her project and she said "There's this 'help wanted sign'"... So, I actually mixed two projects together...
SO! The second person's project is about a haunted house.. and that's all I know.
Third person
OKAY! Now this is the "help wanted sign" girl. So, I kind of got confused when she was talking. I swear it's not me, everyone talks so quiet. But, her story is a rom-com. Basically, this guy sees a "help wanted" sign 😓 and he goes to the location of the flyer and he sees this beautiful girl. Don't hate me but... that's all I know.
The whole film is about the guy and girl love journey?.?... I hope. But, I think it's cute... I just don't think that whole falling in love part would be in the first two minutes of a film.
Forth person.
I have no clue. Thankfully, this person gave her blog post in the beginning, so now I can look over it and figure out what her idea was.
OH MY GOSH... So I actually don't have that persons' blog post and I don't know their name... Apparently the blog URL I had was the "Help wanted" sign idea. Maybe this is a sign that I need help...Well, I don't have a fourth person.. so I guess this is a goodbye.
Please help me.
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