Friday, March 7, 2025

That’s a wrap!

     Okay, now that filming is over, it is time for editing. My group and I already decided what each person is contributing to the project. Grace is in charge of putting each clip together, that means in the right order and making sure the timing is right. Rachel is in charge of sound, Max is putting in all of the credits, and I am in charge of lighting.

    I have no idea how to do lighting. I did not tell my group that but I WILL NOW fail them. I will do my research to create the best lighting you have ever seen. 

    Grace has already started editing the clips together and I’m so excited. I’m also kind of embarrassed as I’m mainly going to see my face. I already saw one clip and I look U.G.L.Y. Hopefully no one pauses the video on my face😊. Back to the point, Grace had majority of the editing done. She showed a Timelapse of her editing and oh my gosh , my group and I were dying laughing. Some of the faces she made were so funny (NOT BULLING, she also thought it was funny.) We had her send those videos to us so we could include them in the blog posting and you will see them later in this post. 

    Even though I’m editing the lighting, and that’s the last of our edits, I decided to help Max out and look for some fonts that we could maybe try out for the credits. Nothing was perfect. I looked and looked but nothing stood out. I gave up. I found one but I’m not sure if Max is going to use it. I’ll leave it up to him… 

My group and I sometimes (a lot of times) get off topic and start yapping about random things. For example, Stranger Things (the best show ever created), Five Nights at Freddy’s, and so much more. But this time, we were talking about the CCR. I will talk more about that in another blog post but all I wanted to say was that Max came up with the craziest ideas ever and we couldn’t stop laughing. I hope he follows along with it though so I can have a good laugh.

Timelapse of editing

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