Sunday, March 16, 2025

CCR #2 Script

     Okay, maybe I'm not soooo creative (That hurts to say)  :( 

    Since my last CCR was a lot, I'm going to tone it down just a little and do something "basic" I'm going to do an award speech. Now, I'm 100% positive that someone has already thought of this but I seriously cannot think of anything else.


[Maiya] Wow. I can barely believe I'm here, receiving this award... It's truly an honor.

First of all, I want to thank all the people who made Regression possible. It's about a teenager stuck in a time loop of therapy, and honestly, making this film was like being stuck in a time loop myself sometimes.

I did not know a lot about shooting or editing before I began this project. But working on it actually improved my skills in planning, shooting, directing, and editing. I figured out how to take one location, the therapist's office, and make it interesting each time it recycled there. I changed camera angles and pace so it would not become boring while watchingdespite the fact that the same thing was repeating itself repeatedly.

Moving on to the technological part, we actually used a phone to film and as a prop. Since it being my first film, I didn't have all of the proper equipment so I had to use what I had. Additionally, we showed Alice, the main character, looking at a clock and because of this, it makes it clear that, that clock is important. 

We edited using Adobe Premiere Pro, a program in which I learned a lot from our main editor about scene cutting adding effects, and making it loop smoothy. We shared and stored all of our footage using Google Drive, a software that was very useful for keeping everything organized.

For editing, my team and I used Adobe Premiere Pro. This program was and still is a life savior. It made the loop look so smooth. But I have to give all the credits to our main editor Grace. My team was able to share all of our footage with each other, thanks to Google Drive and it kept everything organized, so I'm really thankful for that.

So yeah, growing as a filmmaker from this project was huge for me, and I'm thrilled with how it turned out. Thank you so much again for this award! I will treasure it until the end of time.


    Okay wait... I think I like this more than my other CCR. But I won't get into too much of that.  I made this script shorter because I am not sure how much time my other CCR is going to take up in the limit. However, usually during speeches, the one talking shows emotion through out, and takes their time so that's why I didn't make it as long.

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CCR #2 Script

      Okay, maybe I'm not soooo creative (That hurts to say)  :(      Since my last CCR was a lot, I'm going to tone it down just a ...