Saturday, March 15, 2025

CCR Question # 3 Planning

    Sigh...when my group and I started this project, I had little to no clue what I was doing. However, I knew I wanted to make a cool film opening... I just didn't have the right equipment and stuff (skills...😞)Yeah. I needed help. Grace was pretty much just hitting record and I was pretty much hoping for the best. BUT since finishing this film, I've definitely think I've improved. I actually learned things from being on set.

    knew I had to plan. I couldn't just wing it. I had to think about the shots, the lighting, the composition of things, and how to make every shot countBecause my film was a time loop, I had to think of things that could be slightly different to try to make each loop stand out, even though it was depicting the same. This helps the audience KNOW that it wasn't a mistake in editing. Continuity...That was certainly something to take into account. I couldn't have Alice with her phone in one hand one minute and the other the next; it took real attention. Editing, though, was a completely different story. Thankfully Grace was the one to edit most of the components though😜

    had the basics down, but this assignment forced me to reach beyond my means. Even though I wasn't the one to edit the clips together, I learned from Grace the many techniques you can include in a film. She spent far too much time making tiny edits that no one will ever even see, but my group and I saw, and that's improvement, right? Overall, we moved from simply randomly filming stuff to actually thinking like an editor/director, and I feel far more confident now. I really like filming (being the actress) and behind the scenes work.

    When Max is done editing the credits, he is going to send it to me so I could edit the lighting. So, I've never actually edit lighting before hahaha.... But I'm not going to let my group down! I already found a YouTube account which I hope (it better) will lead me through this process :)

    Welp, I might as well start praying. I mean, I think lighting makes a huge difference in films but I don't think I'm the right person for this job.

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CCR #2 Script

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