Wednesday, March 19, 2025


    We could've done better... This sounds bad but I'm not the biggest fan of my project. I love the therapy idea (I thought of it) but I don't like the time loop. My group and I just kept generating ideas for the therapy scene and we landed on the time loop. I had mixed feelings about this in the beginning, but now I know if I don't like it. 

    I wanted to do a horror genre, and I know it is very common for the project, but I think it's fun. With this time loop, our film opening falls under Sci-fi. We have no horror components so not even one second of the clip would be part of that genre. Don't get me wrong, I like Sci-fi. It's just, in a lot of movies, you don't really show the "climax" in the first two minutes. Additionally, my group and I didn't even discuss what would happen throughout the rest of the film, so I guess that's why we cramped a lot in the beginning. 

    Filming was alright. I mean not much really occurred and we didn't have to go back to Grace's house and film. Both Max and I had to send in a short audio clip to Grace, as something occurred during editing, but it wasn't that big of a deal. One major problem I had while filming though, was laughing. I could not stop laughing and my group members were so mad at me. At least I wasn't the only one cause Max kept messing up his lines. Other than filming at Grace's house, we had to film at this local plaza to shoot a few scenes. I think this plaza was abandoned as there were no cars and it was dirty. An issue we ran into was being able to see Grace's reflection in the very dirty reflective windows. Max and Rachel had to go hide and Grace had to stand in the right spot and film in the right angle in order for Grace to not be seen in the back. It worked, however, you could see somewhat of her reflection on the car window. Like I said, filming was alright but editing...

    Okay where do I start. Grace was the first one to start editing. She was in charge of putting the clips together and covering up some mistakes. Rachel was in charge of the sound/ Foley. Luckily for her, she didn't have to import them herself. She just sent them to Grace. Grace then sent her finished product to the group chat. There was an issue. Grace put some violin music in the background and it didn't sound good with the film. Max liked it. I hated it. We went back and forth and back and forth and thank the lords, we decided to get rid of the music. So now the project went to Max. He was in charge of the credits. Everything was going fine as he didn't really say anything in the group chat, but then he sent his final results... I had comments. We knew we wanted to have the credits look like it was on the wall instead of floating on the screen, so that's what Max did and it looked good. Until, there was a scene where the camera had moved. I don't know how to describe it, but in the beginning, you could see like 1/100000 of the credits. I thought it was a mistake. Then the camera moved and you could see the rest of the credit. It may be just me, but I hated it. I told him about it and he made slight changes but still kept it. Oh well... I guess we can't win in everything. Now, he sent it to me. I am in charge of lighting. I started it and..... I have no idea what I'm doing. Thankfully, Premiere Pro gave me options for lighting and I tweaked it just a little. And then.. when I played the film back... the audio was all messed up. I tried and tried to fix it but nothing worked. I had to delete everything. On the bright side, I wasn't even close to finishing. I started over and this time, I locked the audio so it stays in place. Once again, thankfully, Premiere Pro has lighting options, so I just used those. But.. I'm not done and my group is rushing me. I've been so busy after school but trust... I won't let them down. 

    Overall, I'm fine with this project. I don't think anything is wrong with the production or editing, I'm just not fond of the idea of the film opening. I don't have any prediction of the grade for this project but I just hope I won't be disappointed. For a previous project, I worked with the same exact group as this project. We did really really good on the previous project, so if we don't do as we expect... then I'm not sure what I'll think. Once I'm finish editing, I hope the final product will open my eyes and I can see how much of a good job my group and I did.



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     We could've done better... This sounds bad but I'm not the biggest fan of my project. I love the therapy idea (I thought of it)...