Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Group meeting #1

     On 2/10/25, we were assigned groups to talk to each other about our portfolio project. I was grouped with 4 other people, Davis, Joaquin, Mia, and Christian. We made a Google Doc to share our blogs and type commentary for each members project. At first I was scared to talk about my project, but as other people went and talked about theirs first, I felt a little more confident and prepared. 

    Joaquin was the first to go.

Notes on 1st project

  • Psychological drama - wakes up naked and everything is a mess, hears big bang on the door, sees excited guy, breakup - Guy is a drug addict and a loser, based a little bit on Breaking Bad
    These were the notes my group took on Joaquin's project. I have to admit, I do not know what is happening. I asked a lot of questions on the plot, like where the film was going to take place after the two minutes. My group was funny and we kept joking on who was going to wake up naked for the film. I get how the "costuming" (in
quotes because there really is no costume🤣) reflects to the character's unorganized lifestyle. I think of myself as a creative person, so while Joaquin was talking about his film opening. I was already picturing the scene in my mind. Because of this, I pointed out that the background should be messy and unorganized to build the character.

Mia was second.

Notes on 2nd project
  • Gambler trying to get over her addiction - starts with her putting clothes in at laundromat, puts in coin, and it’s a flashback to her putting a coin in the slot machine. Suffering from withdrawal symptoms from gambling, everyday things are hard for her. She’s pregnant and that’s the reason she wants to quit, drama
  • Idea for the title: “Getting” but she’s unsure about the name

    I really like Mia's idea. At first, I thought is was funny and a little weird the character was getting flashbacks of a slot machine but when Mia had kept explaining, I started to really enjoy the scene she created. My group and I were asking how she was going to film at a casino as she is not old enough. Additionally, one group member had mentioned that you can't record there and I added on that you have to be old enough to even be on the carpet. However, she said that Hard Rock Casino employees don't care so hopefully her plan works. Throughout the film opening, Mia said that the camera will only show the characters chest and up and at the end, it would reveal that that character is pregnant. I absolutely love that idea. Although I can't stand cliffhangers, I love creating one, and when Mia revealed the ending scene of the film opening, I was amazed. For Mia's blog, I think she could add more to what she has and incorporate different media forms into her post.

Next was my idea...

Notes on 3rd project
  • Time loop - sci-fi - This girl is in therapy and it’s confusing - Starts at the end of the session, girl leaves, takes her meds, realizes she only has one left, takes it, goes through her car and gets in it. She realizes she’s back in therapy and realizes she’s in the middle of a time loop

  • She should play with colors more, but she wants the colors to be neutral

    Yes... I know my project idea is confusing. My group (portfolio project group) and I aren't entirely finished with our storyline as we have so many ideas we could incorporate but I explained to this group what I wanted to include in my film opening. When I finished explaining the idea. everyone was confused and their questions made me even more confused. I hadn't had an answer to some of their questions as I mentioned before that the story was not yet complete. In the notes, someone added "She should play with colors more." However, I think neutral and washed out colors would reflect the character and the setting. The idea for my project was slightly based on the opening to "Smile", made in 2022. Much color isn't really visible so that's where I got the low tones from. In the end, I hope the film opening makes it clear to the audience what is happening as me explaining it with words may confuse a lot of people.

Davis was 4th.

Notes on 4th project
  • Drama/coming of age - two people talking in a cafe because one is moving away and they talk about it, start looking at places to move into, universities, etc.

  • Not using specific colors

There could be so much more added to this story, and I mentioned that. This is a quick summary of the opening, "Two people in a restaurant, one is talking about how they're moving away, at the end, both characters cars split ways." Like I said, so much more could be added. Davis said dialogue was what he wanted to focus on but I think there could be other things. I asked what the setting could look like as it could possibly be set in the 50's for the diner look, or what type of clothing the characters would wear. Davis just said regular for both... I mean it's not my project but you do you. I asked what the plot was going to be and he didn't know, so I came up with one for him. I suggested that the movie should be about the two characters finding their way back together again in the end and the tittle would be "See You Again" but that was just an idea. I can't view his blogs as he put the wrong link so I'll only be mentioning his film opening. 

Christian was last.

Notes on 5th project
  • Theme - Coming of age

  • Group of teenagers who always go out whenever they want and vlog everything, the day before they leave to college, they all meet up at someone’s house and someone runs late and they’re vlogging, they finally get to the house. They start talking and they look at the vlogs they have together as the camera zooms in, cuts to everything they did

I don't have much of an opinion about this storyline... but I asked how he was going to fit all of this in two minutes. He explained it but it did feel a little rushed as some clips would only be like two seconds long. There was one scene where the characters would all be watching their vlogs together and some group members were concerned how it would fit within the time. One said that the vlog clips would have to be really short and may get confusing if you're showing most of the ones the characters took. So, I suggested that Christian adds around four clips to show at one time. I used my music video as an example and showed my group. It showed all four instruments from my music video all at once and I mentioned how it would save time for Christian's project. Additionally, I like his blog post but I think he could elaborate more on how he would like to include his research in his projects.

Image of group


Timelapse of discussing projects

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     We could've done better... This sounds bad but I'm not the biggest fan of my project. I love the therapy idea (I thought of it)...