Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Don’t laugh

     In this blog post I will mainly be talking about how DIFFICULT it was to film, as Max, who plays T. Jacob’s, and I, who plays Alice, KEPT LAUGHING.

     This was definitely one of the main struggles my group and I had to overcome because not even one second after Grace pressed the record button, you would hear a giggle (I was the one who kept messing up.😔) I really really love acting and that’s why I wanted to take part as the main character (I mean I never took classes but acting is definitely one of my jobs in another life) but man it was definitely a challenge to keep a straight face. In my point of view, you have three other people in the same room whom you all are friends and it’s dead silent. HOW COULD YOU NOT LAUGH. What makes it even worse was that everyone would be mad at me… I’m sorry. At least we’re done filming (I hope.) HOWEVER, I wasn’t the only one who kept messing up and laughing. We had filmed most of my scenes first but when we got to max’s scenes he also kept messing up and giggling. It also took a long time to film his parts but hey, who am I to judge. I’m not entirely sure how I controlled my laughter but I think everyone saying my name in an upset tone after I giggled made me a little sad so I kept trying to hold a straight face and I would slightly slap my cheek to get rid of my grin. In a lot of the clips, before Grace cuts out the beginning part, you can see my smile and then I immediately relaxed and remembered that this is for a large grade. I think that helped…  As I’m realizing, maybe I’m not as mature or professional as I thought I was. I just kept making mistakes and I really tried to not laugh but I just couldn’t stop. 

Behind the scenes clip

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