For this blog post of my choice, I decided to talk about how the present can remind you of the past. I mean this could come off in many ways, but right now, it’s a positive thing.
Friday, February 28, 2025
The Reminder of the Past
Thursday, February 27, 2025
The Props of DOOM
In this blog post, I will be talking about some of the props that my group and I had to manage during filming our project😋.
The Clock
The Call
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Don’t laugh
In this blog post I will mainly be talking about how DIFFICULT it was to film, as Max, who plays T. Jacob’s, and I, who plays Alice, KEPT LAUGHING.
This was definitely one of the main struggles my group and I had to overcome because not even one second after Grace pressed the record button, you would hear a giggle (I was the one who kept messing up.😔) I really really love acting and that’s why I wanted to take part as the main character (I mean I never took classes but acting is definitely one of my jobs in another life) but man it was definitely a challenge to keep a straight face. In my point of view, you have three other people in the same room whom you all are friends and it’s dead silent. HOW COULD YOU NOT LAUGH. What makes it even worse was that everyone would be mad at me… I’m sorry. At least we’re done filming (I hope.) HOWEVER, I wasn’t the only one who kept messing up and laughing. We had filmed most of my scenes first but when we got to max’s scenes he also kept messing up and giggling. It also took a long time to film his parts but hey, who am I to judge. I’m not entirely sure how I controlled my laughter but I think everyone saying my name in an upset tone after I giggled made me a little sad so I kept trying to hold a straight face and I would slightly slap my cheek to get rid of my grin. In a lot of the clips, before Grace cuts out the beginning part, you can see my smile and then I immediately relaxed and remembered that this is for a large grade. I think that helped… As I’m realizing, maybe I’m not as mature or professional as I thought I was. I just kept making mistakes and I really tried to not laugh but I just couldn’t stop.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Mise-en-scene Element: Set
Saturday, February 22, 2025
Unless you're making a One Word Film,😂(....😐) you're going to have to incorporate sound into your project one way or another.
Alarm clock
For my group and I's portfolio project, we for sure know that we want to have an alarm clock. This alarm clock will be going off in two scenes, so we have two choices: perfectly set up the clock to ring at the right moment, or input an alarm sound during editing. We are filming tomorrow, so I think we should know by then. However, if we go with the second option, we would have to record the alarm going off at its own time, extract the sound, then layer it over the clip. I don't think this option will be too bad in editing, but it may be hard for it to sound real.
In my group and I's film opening, there is a mysterious caller. We had this idea in class to get a famous person to be the caller. (I'm trying not to laugh while writing this...) I looked up "Willem Dafoe contact" and clicked on the first thing I saw. (I think that was a bad idea😞) I put in all the information and... and... and.... no response. Worst case scenario, Grace, one of my group members, will have to be the mysterious caller and input her voice recording during editing. (I am very sorry. For some reason, my pictures keep coming out blurry.)
Audio effects
In the beginning of scene, my group and I know for sure that we want the therapist to be calling Alice's name. (Alice is the main character.) The therapist says Alice three times. The first two times are going to be muffled and the final time will be normal. I'm glad I'm not in charge of editing much because I do not know how to do this to sound...
Okay... this might sound bad, but I don't think my group and I are going to add any nondiegetic sounds. Like you know when there's music playing but the characters aren't hearing that. Well.. yeah. I just don't think there's anywhere in our film opening to include those sounds. I mean since we have are script, there's basically dialogue all throughout and I know you can have music quietly playing when someone's talking, but how I'm picturing the film opening, I just don't think there is one moment to slide music in.
Friday, February 21, 2025
Character develpment
In this blog post, I will be focusing on character development. I'm not really sure where to start but our main character/ protagonist is Alice. (My group and I came up with the name before we saw the blog example😔.) Alice is an 18 year-old female trying to overcome her trauma by going to therapy. My group and I were trying to come up with reasons on why she would be in therapy in the first place and we landed on depression and anxiety and the hospital had recommending seeing a therapist. Alice's character does have a slight attitude and I hope this will show that she does not want to be there. For example, she doesn't really open up to her therapist, and she gives short responses. For our plot, Alice is stuck in a time loop. (Here, her attitude will definitely show.) The loop will show that Alice can't keep bubbling up her emotions and eventually, her refusal to open up will change. I don't know if this is a bad thing, but my group and I don't really know how the film is going take off after the first two minutes... but we know that the time loop will help with character development.
(less muffled) Alice.
(clearly) ALICE!
The room is full of neutral colors with muted cool tones. There is a couch where ALICE, the therapy patient, is sitting on a couch. Across from her is her therapist, DR. SHULTZ. They are towards the end of their therapy session. ALICE fully zoned out.
Oh, sorry...
(getting annoyed) So, have you heard anything from your mom?
Uh, no.
No, not really.
RING RING! ALICE’s cell phone ringing. ALICE looks at the phone, doesn’t recognize the number and hangs up quickly. She stares at the phone, pondering the unsaved number.
(O.S.) And how does that make you feel?
Wait, what?
You’re a little out of it today, huh?
Alice wants to say something important when suddenly the door to the office opens. T. JACOBS, a doctor’s assistant, bursts into the room unannounced. ALICE looks annoyed.
Hey- Oh, sorry to interrupt. Uh- Dr. S, I’ve got those files you wanted.
(getting more annoyed)
Ju- Leave it on my desk.
T. JACOBS sets the papers down and starts backing out of the room with his hands up in surrender. His bad.
Alice, what were you going to say?
(a little more confidently)
No, it’s just-
BEEP BEEP BEEP. The timer for the session goes off.
Looks like our time is up.
ALICE is now walking dejectedly/angrily to her car. Just as she is about to get in the car, she gets a phone call. RING RING. She pulls the phone out of her pocket. It is the same unknown number from before. Maybe it’s someone important, maybe someone died. She begrudgingly picked up the phone.
You should have answered the first time...
ALICE is extremely confused. She moves the phone away from her ear to look at the screen.
Time loop begins. She is back where she once was, on the therapist’s couch. She is still holding the phone in front of her face. All of a sudden, she realizes where she is.
And how does it make you feel?
Why am I here?
We all have a purpos-
(crashing out)
No, I mean why am I here again? We just did this!
(thinking she’s making a breakthrough)
I know it may seem redundant at first but the more sessions we have the more progress we’ll make.
BAM! Once again, T. JACOBS bursts into the office unannounced. ALICE jumps at the entrance, but she has seen this before.
Hey- Oh, sorry to interrupt. Uh- Dr. S, I’ve got those files you wanted.
Ju- Leave it on my desk.
T. JACOBS sets the papers down and starts backing out of the room with his hands up in surrender. His bad. ALICE is slightly cowering into the couch. She is intensely confused.
Uh- I need to go to the bathroom.
ALICE hops off the couch and quickly leaves through the office door. DR. SCHULTZ gets out of her seat a little just to save face.
Wait, Alice! We aren’t-
RING RING. The timer for the appointment goes off. The session was over. DR. SCHULTZ shrugs her shoulders. Guess they were done.
ALICE rushes out of the building to her car. She stops before getting into the car. She pulls her phone out of her pocket and looks at her call history. She sees the number at the top of the list. Should she call it? She moves to press the number, but before she can dial, the number CALLS HER BACK. Against her better instincts she answers the call and puts it up to her ear wearily.
(almost yelling)
Who is this?
There is only static on the other side of the line.
TIME LOOP. Once again, she is back in the office, all as it was in the minutes before. She is frozen in her spot, she doesn’t know what to do.
And how does that make you feel?
The realization dawns of ALICE. She is stuck. She doesn’t know what to do. She is TRAPPED.
Group Meeting #2
Today, we just had another group meeting. In the beginning, no one really talked but a small conversation started to form. Throughout ...
My name is Maiya and I am creating this blog to track my progress throughout the year.
For this blog post of my choice, I decided to talk about how the present can remind you of the past. I mean this could come off in many ...
For this project, we learned about the various kinds of sounds, their characteristics and uses, as well as how they're made. The di...