For this assignment, we were asked to tell a story about an object using only 15 shots. We had to label each shot and explain why we used it for that particular scene.
My partner and I's creation tells the story of a regular wooden pencil. It starts off new and full of potential, goes through periods of frequent use and destruction, and ends with the pencil becoming neglected and not as important. To make the pencil represent a human, my partner and I created a narrative arc that some people may relate to, illustrating the shift from being cherished to unwanted and replaced. To add emotional depth, we included the pencil's reflection on its past, highlighting how its importance continues through the work it created, even as its time comes to an end.
Overall, I think my partner and I did a good job with the storyline along with using the right camera shots and angles to portray the whole story. However, I would go back and improve some of the photos taken, as they may not have been clear enough to show what shot or angle was used without context. On the other hand, I think it was a good decision to use a POV shot when the mechanical pencil was chosen over than the wooden pencil, allowing viewers to see the situation through the pencil's "eyes" and gain a better understanding of the story.